Update on 1/24: I’ve added a second comment from mikksalu, followed by Katchanovski’s reply to that comment.
Last week I reflected on a conversation that I taped with political scientist Ivan Katchanovski, who contends that the “Maidan massacre”—in which dozens of protesters were killed during Ukraine’s 2014 revolution—was a “false flag” operation. According to Katchanovski, most of the protesters were killed not by government riot police but by snipers from far-right groups that wanted to overthrow the government and hoped it would be blamed for the massacre.
One NZN subscriber (username: mikksalu) who said they had witnessed the 2014 revolution firsthand posted a comment strongly contesting Katchanovski’s claims, calling them “pure BS.”
I reached out to Katchanovski for a response. Below you’ll find mikksalu’s critique, followed by Katchanovski’s response. (Meanwhile, mikksalu left a second comment in reply to my reply to his critique, but Katchanovski hadn’t seen that when he wrote the response below.)