Nonzero Newsletter
Robert Wright's Nonzero
The Biden-Trump Catastrophe (Robert Wright & Mickey Kaus)

The Biden-Trump Catastrophe (Robert Wright & Mickey Kaus)


2:05 Fear and loathing on the campaign trail 2024
9:48 Haley’s shortcomings, Trump’s cognitive decline
24:43 Who’s the perfect Democrat to run against Biden?
40:20 How Biden could stop the Gaza war
48:01 Why the Houthis are hard to neutralize
1:00:14 Could Trump sabotage the border security deal?
1:16:50 Doctor bots, robo-receipt checkers, and AI optimism
1:33:01 The real problem with America’s elites
1:42:28 Is catastrophe the only thing that can save America?
1:51:55 Bob tries to drag Mickey (back) into the JFK assassination rabbit hole
1:58:24 Has DeSantis destroyed his brand?

Mickey's Substack:

Robert Wright (, The Evolution of God, Nonzero, Why Buddhism Is True) and Mickey Kaus (kausfiles, The End of Equality). Recorded January 20, 2024.


Nonzero Newsletter
Robert Wright's Nonzero
Conversations with a series of people who have nothing in common except that program host Robert Wright is curious about what they’re thinking.