I read a piece in the NY Times that said Putin may be very happy just keeping his troops poised because that could cause more havoc just sitting there than actually invading. If he invades, NATO allies will come together to stop him. If he just sits there making everyone worry for a period of time, it may well cause NATO allies to fracture and be disruptive to everyone- very disruptive. Wondering what you think about that.

Also, I just read David Pepper's new book, "Laboratories of Autocracy" (everyone should read it), and I wonder about the case for cognitive empathy here. The Koch brothers, the NRA, and many large companies/orgs have funded ALEC in this country for years, which has caused so much harm here. But if I put myself in their shoes, it seems it's about selling product and getting richer in most cases. I don't think it's pressure coming from above or outside.

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Geez...it was even somewhat depressing when getting to the part on democracies in the video. Thanks for posting it. I can stomach Taiwan going to China much easier than I can Ukraine going to Russia. Seems Taiwan is more understandable or maybe legitimate than the Ukraine grab. Like Hong Kong, the Taiwan folks need to come to a decision on stay or leave I figure as it is just a question of time before China has their way in the matter. Then if the Ukraine would just do the Minsk II protocol or something close to it then maybe Putin would be satisfied...see here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minsk_Protocol I sure don't know the best option as I am no expert in these matters. Just a guy on the internet maybe just informed enough to have some not too unreasonable opinions.

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