Gabor Mate and Finkelstein back to back. You should get Jeremy Scahill or Rebecca Solnit next, then you can complete the 2010 Democracy Now! guest bingo card.
I’m genuinely surprised how candid he is on the gender wars, I know he was always a bomb thrower, but still.
Bob, it seems to me that your "new thing" is having lonely old men who are slightly bitter and complain about how they don't like young people on your show, e.g., Finkelstein and of course Mickey. One is reminded of the classic meme of Principle Skinner asking "Am I so out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong!"
Gabor Mate and Finkelstein back to back. You should get Jeremy Scahill or Rebecca Solnit next, then you can complete the 2010 Democracy Now! guest bingo card.
I’m genuinely surprised how candid he is on the gender wars, I know he was always a bomb thrower, but still.
Bob, it seems to me that your "new thing" is having lonely old men who are slightly bitter and complain about how they don't like young people on your show, e.g., Finkelstein and of course Mickey. One is reminded of the classic meme of Principle Skinner asking "Am I so out of touch? No, it's the children who are wrong!"